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Sales Department 

Telephone numbers:

8-893-8084 locals 201 to 203


Showroom telephone numbers:

8-893-8084 locals 202, 206

Email Address: vehiclesales@toyotapasongtamo.com



Telephone: (02) 8893- 8084 local: 307/306/305

Mobile Nos.: 0947-4090060 / 0917-8373584

Email Address: mrs@toyotapasongtamo.com


Parts and Accessories

 Telephone: (893) 8084 local. 402,403

 Mobile Phone: 0915-9551853

 Email Address: parts@toyotapasongtamo.com


Telephone numbers: (02) 8-893-8084 local: 506 to 511

Mobile Nos.: 09178344298 / 09175779173 / 09175017779

Email Address: m2iamakati@m2insure.com 


Motor Car Claims:

Ms. Jackie Cabonegro @8-893-8084 local 525

Mobile Nos. 09757910721 / 09171461629

Email: jackie.cabonegro@m2insure.com